Cochrane Students: Contribute to Evidence-Based Research

🤔What is Cochrane Students?

Cochrane is a world-renowned organisation dedicated to producing high-quality systematic reviews in healthcare. Cochrane Students provides opportunities for students and early-career researchers/doctors to get involved with this process! Learning about how evidence-based research is generated, developing critical research skills and contributing to real world-wide systematic reviews.

🙋How Do I Get Involved?

  1. Join Cochrane Students – Sign up through the Cochrane website to access lots of resources and research opportunities.
  2. Complete Online Learning Modules – Enhance your skills in systematic reviewing and learn about health evidence by taking part in interactive courses.
  3. Volunteer for Cochrane Engage – Work with researchers to contribute to Cochrane systematic reviews, start with the specially curated beginner tasks and go from there!
  4. Join Students 4 Best Evidence – Network with other like-minded students and even write your own evidence-based medicine blog.
  5. Share Cochrane Evidence on Social Media – Get your LinkedIn profile up and running and find other people in the industry by sharing evidence you find interesting!
  6. Link Cochrane Evidence to Wikipedia Articles in Healthcare – Help Wikipedia readers by providing Cochrane evidence for existing Wikipedia Articles.
  7. Engage with Cochrane Crowd – Help assess healthcare evidence online in your spare time.
  8. Attend Workshops and Events – Attend conferences and training sessions to learn lots and network with others.

💭Final Thoughts

Cochrane have lots of opportunities open to students and early-career researchers/doctors to help make getting into evidence-based medicine more accessible. If you’re interested in giving it a go, this is a fantastic place to start!

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