Magdalen Medical Publishing Internship

🤔What is it?

Magdalen Medical Publishing (MMP) is a digital publisher providing accessible and engaging medical news and education for the online healthcare community.

As an intern you will get to explore medical content creation, journal editing, and communication in a fast-paced medical news environment. This includes producing diverse content such as articles, podcasts, expert interviews, and video journals on topics like neurology, dementia, oncology, and regenerative medicine. This opportunity is fully remote and is a one month unpaid position.

What did the role involve?

  • Working with other members of the editorial team to draft descriptions for the short videos for the video journal websites.
  • These videos aim to educate a healthcare professional audience on the latest advances in healthcare research.
  • Recording podcasts– for example on detailed advances in gene therapy for neurological diseases.
  • Writing speaker biographies on the scientists featured in the short video clips.
  • Collaborated with the grants team to research potential funding and sponsorship opportunities for MMP to continue their work.

What skills are essential or helpful for this role?

  • Scientific literacy – the ability to read or listen to scientific content and then translate this accurately to suit a healthcare professional audience.
  • Communication – not only being able to communicate the science effectively to a healthcare professional audience in written form, but also to communicate within the MMP team, very often between departments.
  • Attention to detail – a keen eye for detail is critical to succeeding in this opportunity, from ensuring the accuracy of the content to proofreading yours and others’ work

What skills did you develop during the internship?-From a past Intern

  • The ability to summarise my work concisely – at the start I struggled to be concise and very often waffled on, especially when writing the short video descriptions. This was something that my mentor worked on with me and showed that less can be more in many cases.
  • Using company software – before this internship I’d never experienced working from home for an organisation, I became familiar with using software to communicate with colleagues and share work. If you’ve never worked from home, it’s fantastic practice.
  • There is some scope to move about in the business, for instance I had the opportunity to work with both the grants team and the marketing teams.

What advice would you give to someone applying for this internship?-From a past Intern

  • Make your application standout – tailor it exactly to the role and the responsibilities.
  • Read and then reread the assessment – think carefully about what it is asking you and what is expected of you.
  • Do not leave the assessment to the last minute – give yourself time to check and proofread.
  • Be yourself! – MMP really value your individual strengths.

What career paths does this internship prepare you for?

  • Medical writing.
  • Account management.
  • Digital publishing
  • Content creation.
  • Further study.
  • Business strategy

💼Internships they offer:

Offer a 1 month unpaid position as an intern.

1. Digital Marketing Internship

Explore medical communication and content creation while gaining hands-on experience across key areas of digital marketing.


  • A degree (life sciences preferably) with an interest in medicine.
  • Strong written communication skills
  • Basic understanding of data analysis (such as google analytics, social media insights, etc.)
  • Social Media Savvy: insight into large platforms (Instagram, LinkedIn etc.)
  • Creativity and Initiative

2. Medical Writing and Digital Publishing Internship

Gain editorial experience with a medical journal, including drafting podcasts and summarising interviews.


  • Passionate about medical science and up to date with the news
  • Experience in scientific writing
  • Excellent at writing
  • Highly organised and proactive attitude
  • Keen on learning new skills like video production, social media marketing and management tools.


  • Work with the editorial team for online journals.
  • Summarising interviews into concise video descriptions.
  • Draft social media posts to promote upcoming events, video journal content and news publications.
  • Write a script and help record podcasts.
  • Researching for grants and sponsorship opportunities for MMP.

Special thanks to Matthew Rimmer (past intern at MMP) for his contribution to this post.

If you’re interested send your CV and letter of introduction to

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