Digital Health Elective at Concentric

đŸ€” What is this elective?

The Concentric elective based in Cardiff that is a unique opportunity for final-year medical students with a passion for digital health, innovation, and contributing to the healthcare start-up space.

This elective provides hands-on experience in a dynamic start-up environment, focusing on clinical, implementation, and regulatory aspects. Concentric’s mission is to improve the consent-to-treatment process through a patient-centred digital approach, empowering patients to make informed decisions.


Takes place between June and July 2025 for 4-6 weeks, with flexibility to fit your university schedule and preferences.

What’s in it for you?

  • Gain broad exposure to life in a start-up.
  • Work closely with professionals and doctors.
  • Undertake and present a project aligned with Concentric’s mission, with potential opportunities to publish your work and enhance your CV.


  • Open to final-year medical students.

How to Apply:

To apply, send an email to including:

  • Your preferred elective dates.
  • A CV.
  • A 2-minute video explaining your interest in digital health and why you’d be a strong fit for the team.

Note: The selection process is highly competitive, with only two places available each academic year. Ensure your application is polished and professional.

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