The Edward Jenner Programme: How to get started in Medical Leadership

🤔What is the Edward Jenner Programme?

A free self-directed course created by NHS leadership to develop leadership and management skills. It’s a great first step if you are new to leadership and wondering if it’s for you! This course can be done at your own pace, completing as much or as little as you like in your own time. It involves reflecting on skills you already have and preparing you to take on your first leadership role. No previous experience is required!

🤷‍♀️Is this course for me?

This course is the first of a series of leadership programmes created by NHS leadership for anyone with an NHS role, (including healthcare students)! If you want to start your personal journey to leadership or are considering a leadership role in the future then this could be for you!

How the course could help you:

  • Feel more prepared to deal with the challenges of healthcare
  • Lead services
  • Be equipped to advocate for patients
  • Support yourself and those around you to carry out your job to the best of your ability
  • Get a fresh perspective on NHS culture and its development

Benefits for you:

  • Better job/placement satisfaction
  • Nationally recognised CMI accreditation
  • Opportunity to connect with peers and other professions
  • Increased self-awareness and self-confidence

📚What does the course involve?

The programme is made up of a series of short courses including an introduction (Level 0) then level 1 and 2.

Level 0

  • It’s recommended to take 2 weeks for the introduction (3 hours a week).
  • Level 0 introduces you to personal development, providing you with points to reflect, gain support in your workplace and how to learn with purpose to create lasting change.

Level 1

  • Level 1 takes approximately 9 weeks (5 hours a week) and a mini-assessment is completed after the level.
  • This course is made up of two sections:
    • Exploring what leadership means to me 4 weeks
    • Leading through relationships5 weeks
  • Videos of common clinical scenarios are used to encourage you to think like a leader. You’ll also be introduced to new sociological theories and principles.

Level 2

  • Level 2 also takes approximately 9 weeks (5 hours a week).
  • This course is also made up of two sections
    • Leading in and beyond my team5 weeks
    • The leader as a manager4 weeks
  • You must complete Level 1 before starting Level 2 or have achieved an award in Leadership Foundations in the past 5 years
  • You’ll get a certificate for each level you complete and can stop at any point.

✍️How do I sign up?

Follow the link below and register for Level 0 of the programme using your NHS email.

Apply here

Please note, you will need an NHS email to sign up, if you are a placement student, please get in touch with your undergraduate coordinator for details if you are unsure.

Any further questions please email

🔮What next?

NHS Leadership have several similar leadership programmes. If you want to build on your skills or aren’t sure which programme is right for you, please visit the link below.

NHS Leadership Programmes

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