Intercalating can be a unique and rewarding experience for medical students, yet many overlook its potential. Intercalating typically results in an iBSc, but options can extend to Master’s degrees even at renowned institutions like Oxford and Cambridge. This extra qualification lets you dive deep into a subject of interest, adding both knowledge and an impressive credential to your CV.

However, an intercalated year can be intense. Many programs compress what’s usually three years of study into just one. Be prepared for a challenging yet fulfilling year away from your standard medical curriculum to explore a new academic environment.

Scroll down to see the range of intercalations available!

🤔 Why Should You Intercalate?

  • Take a break from medicine: Refresh and recharge while focusing on a different field.
  • Dive into a new subject: Gain expertise in a field you’re passionate about.
  • Experience a new environment: Study somewhere new and meet a fresh set of peers.
  • Develop a niche: Discover specialised areas that interest you within healthcare.
  • Get research experience: Strengthen your CV with academic research.
  • Earn an additional qualification: Stand out with an extra iBSc, MSc, or equivalent degree.

Note: If no intercalated courses interest you, don’t feel pressured to intercalate. There is always the option of pursuing a Master’s degree post-graduation.

🛑 Reasons Some Medical Students Skip Intercalation

  • Disrupted medical progression: You’ll be away from medical studies for a year.
  • No Courses of Interest: Maybe there’s nothing that takes your fancy.
  • Delayed graduation: You’ll finish a year after your friends. Bear in mind though, intercalating gives you the chance to meet new likeminded people!
  • Added expenses: Costs can add up with tuition and maintenance fees.

🎓 Types of Intercalated Degrees

Bachelor of Arts (BA):

  • Emphasis on humanities, social sciences, and creative fields.

Intercalated Bachelor of Science (iBSc):

  • STEM-oriented with a rigorous focus on science and technical aspects.

Master’s Degrees (MSc, MBA, MPhil, etc.):

  • Research-heavy: Usually requires independent research and a dissertation.
  • Self-directed learning: Fewer contact hours and more emphasis on independent study.
  • Extended duration: Courses generally last 9-11 months.

Intercalated Doctor of Philosophy (PhD, DPhil):

  • In-depth Research Focus: Opportunity to undertake extensive research, typically in a specific area of medicine or biomedical science.
  • Extended Duration: Usually lasts three years, allowing students to complete a full doctoral thesis.
  • Integration with Medical Studies: Offers a pathway for students to combine advanced research with clinical training, preparing them for careers in academic medicine or research-intensive fields.
  • High Entry Requirements: Often requires academic excellence and strong research interests, entry is competitive.

An Intercalated Masters at Oxbridge

Oxford and Cambridge offer intercalated MSc and DPhil courses with in-depth academic and research focus, often with one-on-one supervision. Possible Oxbrdige courses range from Immunology to Transitional Medicine and Medical Technology. Admission is highly competitive, but achievable when considering these steps:

  1. Check course eligibility for intercalating medical students.
  2. Choose a course you’re passionate about
  3. Prepare for the application:
    • Highlight relevant experience.
    • Review the supervisor’s research areas.
    • Research your niche (e.g., through societies, research through SSC’s, or relevant reading).
    • Maintain a strong academic performance in whatever you do (e.g: medical school exams, essay competitions, publications)

Want to take research to the next level? Maybe an Intercalated PhD is for you

The following universities offer Intercalated PhD options:

💰 Funding Options

UK Student Finance:

  • Covers the first 4 years of undergraduate training, which can include your intercalated year.
  • After 4 years, apply for an NHS bursary (full tuition bursary and limited maintenance bursary).

Example: If you intercalate after your 3rd year, your 4th year intercalation is eligible for Student Finance support. Years 5 and 6 qualify for an NHS bursary.

Intercalated Master’s Students:

  • Postgraduate Master’s Loan may be available. Find the latest information here.

Intercalated PhD Students:

  • Fully-funded Studentships may be offered, covering aspects such as tuition fees, an annual stipend and research costs. However, students should check the university website for further information regarding their specific PhD.

✨ Intercalations available by Course Category

This list showcases the range of intercalations available, but this is not an exhaustive list. This is simply to give a prospective intercalator a general idea of the possible courses available for intercalation. Many universities offer unique and diverse courses in various fields:

💻 MedTech

iBSc Biomedical Engineering: Imperial

MSc Data Science: Anglia Ruskin, York

iBSc Mathematics, Computers and Medicine: UCL

iBSc Medical Sciences with Surgical Design, Technology and Innovation: Imperial, KCL

iBSc Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering: UCL

MRes Tissue Engineering for Regenerative Medicine: Manchester

iBSc Regenerative Medicine and Innovation Technology: KCL

💼 Entrepreneurship/ Leadership and Management

Healthcare Management: MSci Birmingham, iBSc Imperial (click here for our blog on this iBSc!)

MBA Master of Business Administration: Anglia Ruskin (12-24 months)

MSc International Business: Anglia Ruskin

📖 Public Health

iBSc Social Policy: Bristol

iBSc Global Health: KCL, Imperial, Edinburgh, Manchester, Bristol

MSc Health Economics and Health Policy: Birmingham

MSc Public Health and Community Wellbeing: Anglia Ruskin School of Medicine

MSc Public Health: LSHTM, Bristol

MPH Public Health: Manchester, Imperial, Edinburgh, Sheffield

🏥 Medicine

iBSc Anaesthesia and Critical Care: Imperial

MSc Anatomy related courses: Edinburgh, KCL, Bristol

iBSc Biochemistry: Bristol, Cardiff

iBSc Cancer related courses: KCL, Imperial, Bristol

iBSc Cardiovascular Science: UCL, Imperial, KCL

iBSc Endocrinology: Imperial

MSc Forensic Mental Health: KCL

iBSc Gastroenterology and Hepatology: Imperial

iBSc Genetics: KCL

MSc Global Wildlife Health and Conservation: Bristol

iBSc Immunology related courses: Imperial, KCL, Manchester, Bristol

iBSc Neuroscience: Bristol, KCL, UCL, Imperial, Cardiff

iBSc Neuroscience and Mental Health: Imperial

iBSc Pharmacology: Bristol, Leeds, Imperial, KCL, Manchester, Cardiff, UCL

iBSc Psychology: UCL

MSc Psychology (Conversion): Anglia Ruskin

iBSc Remote Medicine: Imperial

MSc Reproductive and Developmental Sciences: Edinburgh, Imperial

iBSc Sports and Exercise Medicine: Bangor, UCL, Queen Mary

iBSc Women’s Health: KCL, UCL

iBSc Zoology: Exeter

✍️ Medical Humanities

iBSc Bioethics: Bristol

iBSc History and Philosophy of Science and Medicine: UCL

MSc Health and International Development: LSE

MA History of Science, Technology and Medicine: Manchester

MSc International Disaster Management: Manchester

BMedSci (Hons) Literature and Medicine: Edinburgh

iBA Medical Humanities: Bristol

iBSc Medical Anthropology: UCL, Edinburgh

iBSc Medical Sciences with Humanities, Philosophy and Law: Imperial

iBSc Sociology and Politics of Medicine: UCL

LLM in Health, Law and Society (Master): Bristol

🔬 Research and Academia

Oxford and Cambridge master degrees: check their official websites

🎓 MedEd

iBSc Medical Education: Cardiff, Barts, Queen Mary

Some of these intercalations will only be available for internal students while others are only available for external intercalators. Please check the the entry requirements of prospective courses and also check if your university permits external intercalations.

🏆 MTM’s Notable Intercalations

Healthcare Management at Imperial College London

The founders of More Than Medics completed their iBSc in Healthcare Management at Imperial. Highly recommended for those interested in leadership, management, and entrepreneurship. This course features extensive group-based modules, allowing students to develop practical leadership and teamwork skills. Both founders regarded this year as the highlight of their university experience.

Explore our in-depth blog on iBSc Healthcare Management at Imperial here!


In summary, intercalating can be an excellent choice for medical students with a specific area of interest they’re eager to explore more deeply. There’s no pressure to intercalate-many medics are happy solely completing Medicine and prefer to continue their study without interruption. Others may not find current intercalated courses appealing enough, which is perfectly okay!

Intercalate only if you are genuinely passionate about a particular course. Remember, pursuing a master’s degree after completing medical school is always an option, so don’t feel this is your only opportunity.

📕 Useful Resources for Further Reading

For those considering intercalation, here are some resources that might help with decision-making: